Monday, August 22, 2011

Dear Today And Forever,

In the end, the things we do every day can change us. They can mold us into the people we want to be, or the people we had nightmares about as kids. One stupid little choice can make us, or break us. I guess that's why parents always tell us to choose wisely about.. everything. About the foods we eat, even though most of the time, the healthy ones are nasty. The test questions we answer; because let's face it, no one likes tests. The friends we pick, because if you ever look at a person, their personality reflects who they hang around. The crazy ones act crazy, the sweet ones act sweet, and the bad influences act like they belong in the pen. And the sad part about life, it that normally, it takes a huge storm and plenty of years for people to realize how far behind they are in life. It took me 14 years, a lot of broken hearts, and plenty of duck tape to get the bump on my head, that made me realize that I can be so much better then this. I can have straight A's. I can be a perfect lady (though I'm sure that one won't happen.. Hha) and I can be the best friend you could ask for. I KNOW I can. It's all just a matter of getting there. And it starts here, it starts now. I'm tired of being that person that people run to for drama information, or answers on a major test, or a rebound date. I'm tired of being the depressed, little emo kid. And it changes today. Love me or hate me, from now on, no one's ever going to break me.

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